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Eileen McGough awarded Community Spirit Award


Tracton local Eileen McGough wins Community Spirit Award


Retired teacher and writer Eileen McGough is the latest winner of the Cork International Hotel Community Spirit Award.  The Tracton local was honoured for her dedication and commitment to the community which includes her editorial work on the Tracton Newsletter for almost four decades as well as the restoration of the former Knocknamanagh school house into the Tracton Arts & Community Centre.

Eileen McGough has also been praised for bringing the story of Diarmuid Lynch to life.  The Corkman, who was a native of Tracton, was one of the key people in the 1916 Rising.  But despite his important role in Ireland’s history very little was known about his life until Eileen wrote the biography, Diarmuid Lynch: A Forgotten Irish Patriot.

Eileen published a second book entitled, Tracton, Where the Abbey Lies Low, which tells the history of the community located near the village of Minane Bridge.  The proceeds of the sales of the book were donated to the restoration of the old school house into the local community centre which offers a broad range of facilities including a conference room and a theatre.

Eileen was actively involved in putting together the Tracton Newsletter from 1978 until she recently stepped down from her editorial career with the publication.  The Newsletter informs the community on all the events and activities of local clubs, associations, committees, the school and the church and Eileen said it “served to bind the community, especially in times of crisis.”

The Killarney native moved to Tracton in 1971 where she was a local primary school teacher until 2000.  The community members who nominated her for the award described her as one of life’s doers who never seeks the limelight but achieves so much in a quiet and determined manner.

General Manager of the Cork International Hotel, Eoghan Murphy said; “Eileen is exactly the kind of candidate we look for when choosing a monthly winner for the Community Spirit Awards.  She is giving of her time and energy to improve services for the local community and that’s what the awards are all about.  She has been a stalwart of many of the area’s successful projects, including the impressive arts & community centre, and I am delighted to honour her with the latest Community Spirit Award. ”


The Cork International Hotel Community Spirit Awards are sponsored by The Carrigdhoun Newspaper and Gerald McCarthy Giftware.


The judging panel for the Community Spirit Awards are made up of a mixture of representatives from the public and private sector within the community.


The judging panel for this award was:

  • Carmel Lonergan, Group Director of Operations, Trigon Hotels
  • Nicola Radley, Senior Executive Officer, Municipal District Operations & Rural Development at Cork County Council
  • Vincent O’Donovan, Publisher of The Carrigdhoun Newspaper


Nominations are now open for next month’s awards at: https://www.corkinternationalairporthotel.com/community-spirit-awards/

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